Brief : To use service design methodologies to innovate on the customer experience at The Fresh Market, a grocery chain that has a history of high quality.
Duration : 5 months
Location : Georgia Tech
Partners : NCR, The Fresh Market, Georgia Tech
Team : Akhil Oswal, Pranav Nair, Linlu Zhou
We created our personas, Katie and Betty.
Katie is a 30 year old mother of two. She's health conscious and slightly money conscious. She gets most of her groceries from Publix but visits The Fresh Market for specialty items and fresh produce.
Betty is 60 and lives with her husband. She doesn't care about budget much. She heard about The Fresh Market from her neighbor. She's open to new experiences and enjoys good food, but wishes she could cook fancier food.
Their journeys as of today are mapped below :
(Please click on the images open the graphics in full size to view them better)
We conducted a survey of 100 customers of The Fresh Market to get further insights and validate our secondary research, observations and identify opportunity areas. Here are the insights from the survey :
We created a quick video to demonstrate our new experience stories for both Katie and Betty.
This is a wire-frame of the app that could support the innovation.
This is Betty's new journey in the store, where she can now learn how to cook everything she wanted to, and engage with the local community in a much more delightful way.
And this is Katie's new journey, where she is now guided through picking up everything she needs, but also gets a lot of personalized information to the new things she can try for her family.
The Service Blueprint demonstrates how all these experiences are created and enabled.
Here are the organizational and partnership changes that need to happen to enable these new services :
Thanks for reading! Please reach out for more details.